Sunday, April 24, 2011


Today is Easter! I can still remember our first Easter with the boy’s home. On this Easter I can reflect on how far we have come over the past 7 years and how much I have grown spiritually. I expressed to the boys’ ex-pre-k teacher Susan how I wanted to attend church somewhere but it seemed like there wasn’t a place for us. She mentioned North Monroe Baptist Church and a wonder woman named Sheryl and how she was organizing a program for special needs children. I have struggled trying to find a church that would accept my non-traditional family and also a place where I could worship and not feel in any way judged, but a place where my family was welcomed with open arms. I found that with NMBC - not only did I find a wonderful church with wonderful pastors and a church family, but also I found this overwhelming love for my children. People (especially Susan & Sheryl) have sacrificed their time so that my family may worship and not have to worry about who is looking after my children. The Lord brought me to NMBC and welcomed us with open arms and open hearts. It is hard for me to articulate to you how much this has changed my relationship with the Lord and seeing his mercy and grace overwhelms me at times. I always felt sort of discriminated against because I had children with special needs and why couldn't we go to church like everyone else did, but now I SEE! It is perfectly clear to me!


  1. I'm so glad you started a blog, Toni! I love reading about the boys and am excited to be able to follow along and see how things are going for all of you! I can't believe they are SEVEN! It feels like just yesterday that I met their sweet faces for the first time! (I'm gonna add you to the links on my blog, but if you want me to take it off, just let me know and I will!) Happy Easter! He is Risen, Indeed!

  2. ...and that made me cry.. dang you ;)
