Thursday, July 28, 2011


Ya know as I was laying in bed last night I got to thinking about lots of different things doctors have said to me over the years that have stuck with me. Some good, some bad, some humiliating and just disgraceful. With that said here are some quotes from doctors that I will always remember....the good the bad and the ugly!

1) "Most babies born at 25 weeks have about a 60% chance of survival, given Carter's condition....I would give him about 30% survival rate"

2) "If you are called or paged to come to NICU; it is NOT a good thing"

3) "We just need to get past the 24 hour mark, then we need to get to the 48 hour mark, we have to take it day by day minute by minute" "At this point I can not tell you if they will live or not"

4) "Your life is about to be an extreme roller coaster ride, so try and get some rest"

5) "I can finally say that your baby will live, but that is about all I can predict for you"

6) "Your child is smarter than a dog and if you can train a dog you can train him"

7) "If he won't eat then just don't feed him; he will eventually eat"

8) "If you think you have it bad then you should walk around with me for a day and see some really "bad" kids" "you have it better than a lot of moms"

These are just some that popped into my head last night and thought I would share with all of you! I am certainly bless that my children lived. They are my special lil gifts from the Lord above. He gave them to me as my special gift and I will honor his wish and be the best mom and wife I know how to be. My life was forever changed on Sept. 13, 2003. I wouldn't trade my life with anyone, I have the perfectly imperfect life anyone could ask for! Love to all of my family friends and supporters along the way!

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